This looks safe.
Abandoned restaurant.
There was lots of good scenery in the area.
We walked out onto the bridge, because I know I'd previously spotted the ferris wheel from here on Daum.
Art school, not abandoned.
Australian statue.
According to Paul, this is a small version of the Pohang Hands of Harmy sculpture, with flags added for no reason.
Walking through the grounds of a former (not abandoned) amusement park.
As best we could tell, this was supposed to be a disease.
Original park map.
The sign out front.
We decided to check out the interior of the ship restaurant.
Any idea what this is? We found it outside a market.
Abandoned hotel in Daejeon.
Hanbit-tap overlooking the Daejeong '93 Expo grounds.
The so-called Sand Crawler.
Control room.
The interior was covered in murals like this.
This was a really huge room that was pitch black.
Please remember that these photos are all copyrighted to me. If you want to use them in any way, there's a 90 per cent chance I'll give you my permission, and be able to give you a copy with a higher DPI.Copyright Jon Dunbar 2011 |