Play Out

First band to start playing was Heimlich County Gun Club.

That's what time it is.

A pretty sizeable crowd.

Band meeting.

We probably have Skrew Attack more to thank than the white power band for this persistent spelling, but it's amusing to think about.

I pulled out my tripod to get a higher perspective.

Next I went over to see Pigbit5 who was playing at the same time as Heimlich County.

And Jarip plum juice was served.

Focused on teh wrong spot but I like how it came out.

What I intended.

And you can see the crowd for Heimlich County in the background.

Speaking of whom...

They really got a strong reaction.

This guy was everywhere this show.

Doing the can-can.

Next I went back to the Jarip stage to see No Control.

Then I went on a quick walk.

Same view.

Cheap glasses and bagged cocktails.

Next: Look and Listen.

The audience was pretty restless.

Probably accidental.

Next: Chanter's Alley.

And there's Yumi, who I last saw in a Hanbok at her wedding getting fed by Trash.

Goyang recently had a jaw injury which put her plans for a Billy Carter reunion show on hold.

I'm not entirely sure who this band is, but if the schedule works out, it must be 11:11.

I'm impressed how she went from normal and attractive to swamp monster in one picture. That takes talent.

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Copyright Daehanmindecline 2013