The Camel's Way with Kim Miru

A crowd was gathered outside.

Miru was inside serving free wine and beer.

There was a live jazz trio.

Miru's father, Do-ol, is a well-known philosopher.

I listened along while she was interviewed about her work.

She posed in a lot of group photos.

Still pretty crowded downstairs.

Flowers for Miru.

Her dad got her to sing a song.

Then he did "Fly Me to the Moon."

Looking at camel pictures.

We snuck up to the roof. I figured if anyone wouldn't mind, it would be Miru.

We came down just as she was right by the door.

Jaeeun likes this camel.

More group photos.

Then we went for food and drinks nearby.

Sam looks annoyed.

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Copyright Daehanmindecline 2014