
From my motel's rooftop, I could see a lot of lights over at Jaraseom.

Lots of stars out.

Looks like the door to my room had been kicked in.

Over in front of Gapyeong Station.

The view in the morning.

The mist had been much stronger earlier.

That's an interesting old building.

Haven't seen a sex toy vending machine in a while.

There's the hotel I stayed in.

This is where our hike started.

Everyone in this picture is from work.

And this one.

And this one.

Please remember that these photos are all copyrighted to me. If you want to use them in any way, there's a 90 per cent chance I'll give you my permission, and be able to give you a copy with a higher DPI.
Copyright Daehanmindecline 2014