From the main road, here's Dongdaemun Mansion.
As I headed uphill, I stopped to feed a cat.
There's the former Ewha hospital on the other side of the wall.
Following along a pretty typical street.
From a roof I could get a better view of the area.
Click for full size.
Kind of strange how this one newer complex sticks out of this older neighbourhood.
There's the city wall.
I went up to what I would call the top.
There's the bus stop where the 03 arrives.
Lots of trees.
Looking over Hyehwa and SNUH.
Bomi mentioned this is her favourite wall view and I agree.
No climbing.
Click for full size.
This is the view I had on New Year's Eve.
Here's the badminton court.
The bus uses this road to turn around.
Here's Seonggwakgil at the top.
A hundred meters downhill is this park.
I saw a few old guys here.
And one old cat.
The cat was very friendly, and this was before I ran back to my scooter for some cat food. He had a very big skull, a male secondary sexual feature. The old men told me he was six.
The stairway inside Dongdaemun Mansion.
I came out on the roof and ignored the CCTV cameras.
Click for full size.
Click for full size so you can admire a grey Brownstone.
Click for full size.
A guard came out to stop me. I told him what I was there for and he made a call and gave me a few more seconds to take some more wall pictures.
You can see the hill rise up in the distance.
Sure, buddy.
Please remember that these photos are all copyrighted to me. If you want to use them in any way, there's a 90 per cent chance I'll give you my permission, and be able to give you a copy with a higher DPI.Copyright Daehanmindecline 2018 |