Up the Western Corridor

Yeah, so there are dinosaurs, so what?

I got onto an abandoned former US military base and found this park, with this statue.

It basically seems to be a bargirl whose statue is suggestive of a single mother.

My ticket out of here.

The guard post at the back gate.

Locked up tight.

One of the buildings back here.

I took another route and ended up at this soccer field. Best I can tell this is actually on base property, and explains the heavy car traffic into the base.

Out in the ville, I found this interesting old building.

It was locked up.

Different building, different textures.

Inside a building on base.

I came out and this alarmed me. Just a weird purple broom standing upright.

On my way back into Seoul.

I've been to this old abandoned church before.

Across the street I found an abandoned building that didn't really catch my eye until I saw this sign.

Not super easy to get in.

Though I was able to slide in through that window.

The emergency shelter would be at the bottom of this staircase.

Nope, that's me.

I believe it's what's in that door, where the floor stays the same level but the ceiling continues to descend as per the spiral of the whole staircase.

Seen from the roof.

The whole area is changing.

Heading down, the fast way.

Back in Seoul, at least one of the newest parts of Seoul.

Please remember that these photos are all copyrighted to me. If you want to use them in any way, there's a 90 per cent chance I'll give you my permission, and be able to give you a copy with a higher DPI.
Copyright Daehanmindecline 2018