RASKB Garden Party
Brother Anthony gives a speech while US Ambassador Harry Harris watches.
Now his turn. One of my coworkers wrote a bit about his hosting of the event.
The haechi keeps everyone back.
Four of them were contributors for this year's Transactions. Steve Shields mentioned them in an article.
They really wanted a picture in front of this banner.
And they wanted me in it.
More people wanted to pose in front of the banner.
Matt meets Dr Shin of Gwangju International Center, who has helped my last visits to Gwangju become epic adventures.
And Dr Shin meets Steve.
And my mom poses with Shindy.
Joanna quietly carries food by.
I tried working on getting better pictures of her.
Then I caught up with the ambassador over at the makgeolli booth.
Julia really wanted me to take this picture.
The woman in the middle worked for an alcohol-themed magazine.
Here's Jeremy and his daughter.
Robert Fouser and Peter Bartholomew, two guys I look up to for all things traditional Korean architecture.
It just occurred to me I never shared some photos from a previous garden party, in which they brought me and a few other people to an abandoned building nearby. I think it might have been my first time meeting both of them.
My dad meets Ned Forney.
Choe Chong-dae waits in line behind schoolgirls.
The ambassador poses with the girls.
And then with the volunteer staffers working the event.
The woman on the right is their teacher. She seemed like she was staying invisible the whole time.
The last two remaining Underwoods living in Korea.
Jacco and Walter came dressed as Cuban gangsters.
My cousin tried to get as many Transactions contributors as possible to sign her copy.
Yonjoo did not like that I took this picture of her.
Or this one.
Julia starts packing up.
I noticed the ambassador dipped into his own private collection of I think Sam Adams beer. He also turned off the music playlist I put together, mostly gugak and lots of Luna Lee, in favour of jazz. Fair enough, his house.
Brother Anthony looks like he's hiding something.
Or he was just giddy to see my parents again?
Dr Shin talked with our librarian Michael about adding Gwangju News to the RASKB library.
According to Mr Oh, this cat statue seems to have been added very recently as a monument to Ambassador Harris' former pet.
After, we went to a bar in Seochon, with Maria who runs the Wonderful app service.
Please remember that these photos are all copyrighted to me. If you want to use them in any way, there's a 90 per cent chance I'll give you my permission, and be able to give you a copy with a higher DPI.Copyright Daehanmindecline 2019 |