
I found a couple of stray cats on the edge of an abandoned area.

This is all that's left of the area now. I had last been here in early 2016 and was surprised to see it still standing.

There seems to have been some stuff set up for stray cats here.

I caught this kitten coming out from under the fence. The styrofoam could be a cat house.

The first one I saw didn't want to come out.

This one was braver and got more cat food.

Meanwhile, over in Heukseok-dong, I got a pretty good view of an endangered neighbourhood.

A large area has been demolished.

Meanwhile, uphill is all highrises.

Oh look, faux history.

I took this staircase down.

There were a few abandoned buildings still standing.

I find this striped demolition blanket is getting less common to see these days.

Abandoned art.

More abandoned art.

I had to cross over this to escape.

Click for full size.

Driving down I could get a view that better expressed the sharp divide in this area.

Lilliput seemed like an appropriate name considering the stark difference in scale here.

Over in Bangbae-dong, I found another abandoned area.

I found one fence to jump so I could see an alley right through the middle.

Interesting use of stencils.

Abandoned flag.

I liked the design on this house.

A wider look at the house.

Please remember that these photos are all copyrighted to me. If you want to use them in any way, there's a 90 per cent chance I'll give you my permission, and be able to give you a copy with a higher DPI.
Copyright Daehanmindecline 2019