Early Morning at Noryangjin
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There's the fortified overpass between Noryangjin Station and the now-demolished market building.
There was still a protest village out front.
I couldn't really get any sort of good view of the whole overpass from here. To the left off-frame was an entryway part where several elderly women were enjoying the morning.
They have had a lot of cats on their side.
Here's a look up at the overpass.
And a banner that seems to be made by students.
Here's how the station looks from high up above. I wish I'd gone up here before everything was destroyed.
In the other direction, it was just a wall of buildings.
A closer look at the area in front of the station.
And there's the new market building.
A closer look. And with Trump World ominously in the background.
Having driven from there to here, they really are nearby. Just not really a good direct route.
An old rooftop vending machine.
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