Planet Gwanghwamun
A wide open area.
Looking south. The indented chute in the middle is a former representation of Baekundongcheon.
A street sign taken down.
Looking straight down the area.
Then I changed the white balance settings, resulting in an image that was much closer to the actual lighting. Yes, this is more realistic than the previous one.
It appears this shows some of the ruins uncovered, including possibly part of the stream. It's not what's in the Kyunghyang article though.
Another look at the same site, showing the layered earth.
Heading back.
I started to admire some of the artwork on fences around here.
The only Korean portrayed here seems to be Admiral Yi.
Yi Sun-shin's planet.
Middle-aged, mostly white people enjoy what appears to be a K-pop concert.
This is where some of the art is.
This one was weird, and different from the others.
They look like South Park characters.
Some of the characters appear duplicated.
Here's a view of how the area is expected to look when done.
Let's watch white people enjoying Gwanghwamun.
Wait, I think I see nonwhite people.
Someone get Becky to call Karen.
More white people. Some anomalies in the upper left and lower right corner are caused by my own cloning tool.
Another completed view.
Planet Gwanghwamun
Please remember that these photos are all copyrighted to me. If you want to use them in any way, there's a 90 per cent chance I'll give you my permission, and be able to give you a copy with a higher DPI.Copyright Daehanmindecline 2021 |