Prison wall, in front of another kind of concrete wall.
Prison mascot. I remarked that I would find it condescending to be imprisoned in a place that has a mascot.
Women's facilities.
Opening the front gate.
This was the most obvious building, but I never actually went in.
Here's the front gate from the other side.
I started looking around for whatever my friends might have possibly not visited before.
Who knows, maybe this isn't usually left open.
Oh look, there's my friend.
A door off to the side.
Protection rooms.
Food slot?
A weird little space between sections of the prison.
Looking back the way I'd come.
We couldn't get past this gate.
Here's what's seen through it.
He found me because of the noise of walking through this grass.
Back in the main building.
Peeling paint.
This appears to be what solitary confinement looks like. Small entranceway area, with a door leading to a squatter. Customised wallpaper.
Here's how the area looks.
Room 19 is a punishment room.
Right out the window at the far end, I could see traffic movement from a room outside, even from this far back if I remember correctly.
This is in a larger room that probably housed many lower-risk prisoners.
Apparently this dog was alive until quite recently. It had been on the second floor, trying to stay away from people.
Outside again.
Heading toward a guard tower.
Click for full size.
Somewhere back there, we saw a creature run off. It moved like a deer or something like that, but we both were pretty sure it was larger than the typical Korean deer.
Front gate.
We looked around for animal tracks.
This is one.
Here's another that's full of water.
One last look.
Please remember that these photos are all copyrighted to me. If you want to use them in any way, there's a 90 per cent chance I'll give you my permission, and be able to give you a copy with a higher DPI.Copyright Daehanmindecline 2023 |