RAS Korea Tour

There was a lot of protest activity around Daehangno when the tour started.

JiHoon showed us an old model showing the former university.

It even had a bridge that crossed over a stream that used to be here.

This building housed the US military headquarters for a while during the war.

This statue of what history will say are roommates was originally in front of the Assembly, but moved here.

The cornerstone is buried under sidewalk.

A very old wooden structure.

SNU's medical school.

A shrine to Crown Prince Sado.


And the older building in front of it.

Apparently there are very limited tours to the belltower.

This sign in front of Changgyeong Palace says no playing and no pets, maybe a reaction to the fact this used to house an amusement park and zoo.

One of the two remaining streetcars.

Ryan dared me to read this out loud.

Thijs used to be Mix & Malt.

A group photo at Sungkyunkwan.

Ryan was in the washroom so I had to photoshop him in.

Another building on Daehangno that is closed.

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Copyright Daehanmindecline 2023