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Here's one of the No Trespassing signs.

There were some cars around here. People were still working somewhere in one of these buildings.

A slightly more modern housing.

Another quonset hut.

Stairs, but not as bad as I've seen on Howze.

The memorial chapel is looking more overgrown.

Also if you try to enter, you get Guantanamoed.

Despite the sign, this door was ajar. Pretty sure if you enter, you wake up in Cuba.

An older-looking building.

Looks like a barbecue.

Click for full size.

The washroom behind the swimming pool was closed.

A nice view.

An important tree.

Closer look at the plaque.

The bike.

After taking that, I noticed a cat in the background.

Seemed mildly friendly.

A bus stop. The buses were still running.

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Copyright Daehanmindecline 2023