
It was cloudy enough that the tower was invisible.

We went to Gino's Pizza, where we had a good view of this forest. It's just a forest, and Naver and Kakao maps back me up.

Huh, I can see buildings inside. If only I could have a chance to drive around inside the base, and share those pictures publicly.

I liked that this academy was named "AAA." Someone must've named it back when phone books were still in use. You'd be able to find it on the first page, before Aardvark Pizza.

A group photo after having a meal after seeing "John Wick 4."

Please remember that these photos are all copyrighted to me. If you want to use them in any way, there's a 90 per cent chance I'll give you my permission, and be able to give you a copy with a higher DPI.
Copyright Daehanmindecline 2023