Till Death Do Us Party

There's the front door to the fourth Skunk.

Christmas gives me a wave.

I gave Matt a zine and had to get this photo before he noticed what he was endorsing.

Christmas makes a gesture that will humiliate young men into voting conservative.

The Jonnybirds went on first.

They were expecting to be the odd band out, even though Jinu was putting on the event. I don't think they were exactly right, but anyway it meant that Jinu could drink as much as he wanted after.

It was hard not to photograph Christmas squatting in front of me. Note that the heels of her boots make it significantly easier to be in this position than flat-heeled shoes would be, although her form is otherwise pretty instructive, especially the elbows on the knees.

Why does she have a tattoo of Millie and Buster?

Next band was Pop Ents.

I went up to the loft to see what it was like. This would be a great way to photograph a really crazy punk show with moshing and stage diving.

There is also a place behind the stage where it's easy to take photos from.

There are the stairs leading upward. I won't say what they lead up to, but let's just say if there's a fire, go out the main door.

That shirt got a bit damaged.

Jinu joined them for a few songs.

Outside in the alley.

Garik has a steampunk hat.

One of us, I can't remember which, requested we do this photo shoot.

The black car really ruins it though.

This older guy was having a great time at the show. I really wanted a picture.

But I don't want it to seem like I'm shaming him. I wish this was more normal.

The band was Merry Hey Day.

There's Jonghee running things as always.

Next band was Rumkicks. I found an angle where I could photograph a band member with an interesting enough composition. The drummer.

A drink from Jonghee.

Now it's more fun.

There's the happy couple.

Or wait a second.

Looks like Jinu is making his choice now.

This one.

And also this one.

I went back up to the loft.

They were my de facto security entourage.

Last band I stayed for was Gorymurgy.

Tongue shot.

Another tongue shot.

Rosemary showed up.

I like this as a representation of what I was seeing.

It would have looked more like this.

Others took my space on the loft.

Out front.

Someone was getting a Rumkicks group photo.

This guy was passed out. Not sure his story but I hope he remembers having a good time.

Next I got a chance to use my camera on them.

And him.

Now just the band.

A nearby nogari place.

And a casual dining bar in a very odd-looking structure I'd expect to see on the roof of an evictee protest headquarters.

Tok Talk.

Please remember that these photos are all copyrighted to me. If you want to use them in any way, there's a 90 per cent chance I'll give you my permission, and be able to give you a copy with a higher DPI.
Copyright Daehanmindecline 2023