Club Victim Show

The first band was the Reseters.

Oh yeah, Janghyup seems to be a skinhead again.

Next band was Tom Tom Tom, featuring Boo-il out of retirement on bass.

Their frontman was the youngest.

And they had Sharon on drums.

This is probably the best picture I got of her.

This might be the worst picture I got of her. She looks like a corpse, although it also sort of works.

Outside between bands.

Ahn Decay was apparently in the original lineup of the band, but he moved away.

Here's a group photo.

I told them to fuck off. Not sure why Decay isn't flipping me off.

Trash was working the door.

Next band was Cockrasher.

The venue had plenty of inflatable disco balls.

Last band I saw was Half-Brothers.

On the way home, the snow was already mostly melted. I disagree with that name.

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Copyright Daehanmindecline 2023