Phone Pictures 1

Brother Anthony's annual birthday.

There was pie instead of cake.

There were still candles.

Yes, Brother Anthony was turning 18.

He took us to a tea room after.

I found this ID of a former reporter and was going to steal it for her, but she took too long to reply and I don't know where it ended up.

A view from on top of the abandoned wedding hall.

Here's Jeff at Morgan's birthday.

I met Sudip for the first time.

K-Guard, now on the K-Iceberg.

Another trip to the abandoned wedding hall.

A question during an RAS Korea lecture, probably this one. I don't remember the context.

Someone else in my building has cats, and advertises it.

Noryangjin has a station cat. In the background you can see the market evictees' fortifications.

Click for full size.

Click for full size.

Restaurants have become a major feeder of the K-Iceberg this year.

In bed with Millie.

Burning Sun's entrance.

A new zine.


The Fire Flower located right by the site of the Yongsan Disaster(which would have occurred at that little triangle of grass with the orange cone and the white-shirted person).

One Christmas, a group of us climbed to the roof of that building while it was under construction. Not sure I could handle that anymore.

A roof view over Gangnam, with the Ritz-Carlton in the distance.

And there's that rabbit, which as of my visit at the end of December I discovered had been destroyed.

View from an apartment rooftop near Seosomun.

A panorama attempt.

If you want to get a suit made in an abandoned hotel.

The anarchaeology site in the former watch market next to Sewoon Sangga. As of the end of the year, the excavation is still ongoing.

This was my entry point. If you slid in behind that small blue fence, you could walk between the big gate and the metal shutters.

That small red-brick building in the foreground hosted a zine exhibition I attended in 2020.

Working at the bar.

Here's a look in through the back door of the Hilto, where you can see the final train set is still standing.

Riding the 02 bus.

Drinking in the cold.

Now inside Hair of the Dog.

Cops at Samgakji Station.

Ruins at Banpo-dong. Click for full size.

Dueling cat tails.

I don't remember why I took this or if I bought it.

Crying Nut perform for Kyungrokjeol.

I thought someone was slumped over the table in that coat.

Same here.

This map shows possible redevelopment zones in my own neighbourhood.


This is the enclosure where Hosooni might live.

A panorama version.

Inside the elephant enclosure, all we could see was a cat.

This picture doesn't show, but the cat was bleeding from the face.

Reading at a punk show.

OB Bears.

Triple S sounds like a Japanese neo-nazi movement.

I ran into Kim Banjang at a Reseters show.

Arguing over the playlist.

Inside Line 9.

Butt touching.

Several times I almost tripped over the exposed wires.

My solution was to pull the chairs out.

Later the desks were flipped around which eliminated the danger.

I think this is the night when Lily had disappeared and been found.

The construction site behind my office.

Sometimes articles in my section get on the front page.

More feuding over music at Hair of the Dog.

K-UAM is on the K-iceberg, but it seems like they skipped the K- in the official name this year.

Pig's fortune is to the point.

Setting up a new desk.

A Christian freak who's always around the area.

It lacks a hyphen so it isn't K-Icebergworthy, but there are other K-spots.

I never noticed before but the IBK logo looks kind of sexual.

At work.

This picture was taken to show me leaving an envelop behind at Mudaeruk.

A Jabroni show at the Beatles.

At Hair of the Dog for Chaeeun's burthday.

Can't remember what caught my eye on this. Maybe the scare quotes?

February 28.

Article about Dilbert being discontinued.

They were still publishing Dilbert in the same issue.

A festival at KOTE.

Unfortunately they didn't keep this whole menu for long.

K-red sauce.

K-Yangnyeom Chicken.

Please remember that these photos are all copyrighted to me. If you want to use them in any way, there's a 90 per cent chance I'll give you my permission, and be able to give you a copy with a higher DPI.
Copyright Daehanmindecline 2023