2023 Phone Photos 5

I still don't know what this medical equipment that was used on me does.

It was all related to ears.

Cosntruction next door.

I haven't communicated with this publication in over three years, but they're still rerunning my crosswords I made back then.

This was done to show the size of my zines next to an LP.

After a lecture on traditional Korean alcohol.

She does not appreciate the tail.

One is a tail and one is a leg.

They added this bar in front of my building. To prevent homeless cars from sleeping there?

I showed up at the Otoboke Beaver show, and saw this view and left shortly after.

This was located next to the restaurant where my coworkers went.


I couldn't figure out what to avoid.

The Bando?

Stab time.

Someone else was charging at work. There are a few subtle differences in their equipment, such as the cord colour.

That collapsed sign is inviting.

Drinking at work.

A bruise from an IV.

Setting up a pyramid.

A guy I met who knew one of my coworkers.

A fundraising event at Hair of the Dog.

MJ explained it.

Sample poetry in a notebook.

And sketches.

This is a lineup for a show.

The feared soap on a stick.

Millie watches another cat.

Both cats on deck.


Christmas supplies.

I had to check the water meter.

A sign clarifies that the "Grand Open" sign is premature.

I found this Christmas decoration laying in traffic and managed to rescue it.

Now they've put up a more permanent sign explaining "Grand Open" doesn't mean literally now.

One of our elevators at work is being replaced.

We found some pedals.

I parked under Seoullo during the rain, and found a crazy Christian had the same idea.

There was a banner up about a redevelopment meeting. My landlord later told me we didn't have to worry.

An old area behind Seoul Station.

Watching videos.

A pretty solid butt-touch.

Subway construction entrance, tied closed with an intricate knot.

Lawyers from Korea's biggest firm get a discount.

Please remember that these photos are all copyrighted to me. If you want to use them in any way, there's a 90 per cent chance I'll give you my permission, and be able to give you a copy with a higher DPI.
Copyright Daehanmindecline 2023