Safe Korea Save No One

A fire station with a concerning sign.

There's also a Save Zone nearby.

I'm heading closer to that mountain.

Entering Baeksa Village.

Up in Baeksa Village.

Wider view.

Sort of closed off.

Nobody lives there.

In the yard I got to a higher point overlooking the village downhill.

There was an old woman about 10 meters away, but I did my best to quietly look around this one house.

There was a path up this way where I couldn't take the scooter.

These obnoxious tags.

Pretty steep.

This is from another high point.

I photographed this years earlier.

There was a giant charcoal brick.

Looks like this parking lot is sort of a charcoal depot.

Here's another house I entered.

This shelf seemed to be built out of the earth.

Another room.

A closer look at it.

And another shelf by the door.

Abandoned wheelchair.

One of the many cats I saw.

There had been a cat sitting on the couch but it ran away.

There were two cats on that roof. One came closer to watch me.

I noticed this graffiti in a few places.

View from a rooftop.

Click for full size.

Here's a closer look at this one long alley.

A slightly wider view.

The left lobe again.

I could see two people walking. Pretty sure I passed them earlier.

This is in the other direction. That blue-roofed house is the first abandonment I ever visited in the area.

Subway tunnel access. I didn't go in because there was a traffic cop within view.

Please remember that these photos are all copyrighted to me. If you want to use them in any way, there's a 90 per cent chance I'll give you my permission, and be able to give you a copy with a higher DPI.
Copyright Daehanmindecline 2024