Angry Man's Dong
Korean food to start the day.
Moving truck.
So many ginkgo berries.
The kitchen was very second-wave ska.
The house looked old.
On the roof, I found a box of heads.
And there was a kitler on a nearby roof.
I would have liked to see in there, although it would smell pretty bad.
This weird concrete pie apparently used to house a pole.
No idea why anyone would do this.
Interesting pattern.
Looking back the way we came.
We wandered through this garden.
Some old yeontans were peeking through this wall.
A lot of sweet potatoes.
These guys were making a music video.
I needed to use the washroom, but what I found was abandoned.
This is after I closed the lid.
The tank was cracked.
Peeling letters.
This woman seemed to be a Korean Muslim.
View from a roof.
Click for full size.
That panorama did not work.
This did.
All the junk down there is on top of a lower roof over top of a grocery store.
We had just come out of Phillies, seen lower right.
Curious what's going on with that building at the top of the hill.
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