Western Seoul

One of the Korean urban explorers posted online that this place seemed abandoned. I looked it up and was curious. The sign and facade are rusted, but when I arrived, the building was very much active, and I could hear music coming from the basement studio.

A sign in front of Hongdae telling people to vote, saying they had lost people in the Itaewon disaster.

This intersection almost killed me. I went in the direction the white car is going, when the light above it turned green. But the light across the intersection was still red, and other vehicles were coming out of the road from the right.

Tom's Pizza is open again. As I drove by I saw the owner inside setting up chairs for opening. I wonder what it's like now.

Hongdae Photos in Sinchon.

I took this picture while rolling by on a public road. The worker in red right after I took this came out and started walking over, but I drove off and he kept walking. I think he was starting his lunch break.

Here's a view from a roof.

I was looking to get a photo like this, but hoping for a slightly higher angle.

That's how I came to this place.

Click for full size.

Anyway, here's a slightly higher view.

A closer look at the buildings undergoing demolition.

And in the distance.

Click for full size.

I took this picture because of the bottom two steps.

Click for full size.

Something more zoomed-in might be better.

I won't get another chance to see this view again, so I shot all angles.

Please remember that these photos are all copyrighted to me. If you want to use them in any way, there's a 90 per cent chance I'll give you my permission, and be able to give you a copy with a higher DPI.
Copyright Daehanmindecline 2024