Mental Hospital

This time we went out into the open, and I looked around calling out to see if anyone was there. We were alone, at least for now.

Right inside the front entrance we found this image.

Turned rightside up.

A bulletin board.

And signs pointing the way to things.
This looks like another complicated game of chess, just to get your meds.

Someone defaced this sign, apparently only a few days ago, and I'm curious if it was an earlier trespasser.

More seating.

Binders but they seemed mostly empty.

A mallet to test reflexes. Not sure what the blue-handled thing in the bag is.

More drugs and a tourniquet.

Inhaled drugs.

Wandering down the hallway.

Another case of a surveillance camera hanging by a wire.

I looked up some of these drug names, and it seems a lot are to treat insomnia, presumably to knock patients out and keep them inactive during their incarceration. But there are others too, including a laxative.

Inside a nurses' station.

Looking down a dark hallway.

Another bulletin board but everything's too small to read. Prices?

Old phones.

This picture didn't turn out well. Is that the chupacabra?

Wrought-iron grating.

An open drawer. There were drawers here and there with things left behind, but nothing of much more value than this. A lot of locks with keys, which I didn't photograph.

Wash your hands!

A women's washroom.

With urinals.

Fourth floor, fourth ward.

This building made it to 2018.

This floor had these arches and seemed like it was supposed to be more calm and welcoming.

Plus a TV.

This is how dark it really was during our entire visit.

Fifth floor.

Those looked almost like church pews.

This seemed to be a physical activity room, and in that wardrobe is a stack of floor pads.

Lots of windows in this washroom.

Here's how it looks with the flash.

Some kind of firefighting equipment I'd never seen before.

Inside a nurses' station.

Does this list patient names?

Cityscape, both real and imagined.

Sixth floor.

By this time, my flashlight had died, so I was relying on his light, or my phone's own flash.

A little blurry but here's a mental hospital Christmas tree.

The sixth floor had this very unusual structure.

Another case of graffiti which must be relatively recent.

I got really lucky catching his flash on this one.

Peeling paint on bars.

Close the door.

We got to the roof, which was fenced in.

There was a narrow walkway between the fence and another at the very edge.

I looked into this staircase and saw this. Those blue-and-yellow buckets were everywhere. And is that a portable toilet? On this side of the building, the only other stairwell access we'd seen was way back down on level 1 or 2, where there was the pharmacy.

From the roof I got this view of the building we'd explored two nights earlier.

This is the weird little passage around the central roof area.

We headed downstairs, and near the ground floor we found this outfit.

This room proved to be very interesting.

After a lot of looking around, I finally found the room I'd looked in on the previous day.

A stereo.

More phones.

A whole bunch of photos.

While we were photographing the pictures, we heard a noise that was definitely in the same building with us. Knowing there was only one way out, we stayed quiet for a bit, but never heard another noise. Then we just hurried out. These last photos are mis-sorted from earlier, and I'm just putting them now.

On our escape, we used way more light discipline than this.

Please remember that these photos are all copyrighted to me. If you want to use them in any way, there's a 90 per cent chance I'll give you my permission, and be able to give you a copy with a higher DPI.
Copyright Daehanmindecline 2024