May Day
A department store on the way to Baeksa Village. I also liked the name "Good Bus." Maybe it's from Busan.
At Baeksa Village.
I believe this house was still inhabited.
A redevelopment sign.
Contrary to places like this, I didn't find any abandoned photo albums.
December 2015.
There may not have been family photos, but there was animal porn.
I'm assuming it's just nature footage showing animals having sex, but they sure wanted to sell it.
Over in this room, I found...more porn.
Near this Hangeul chart.
And the Virgin Mary.
Same slide lit from behind.
Is that a Buddhist statue?
Finally a SFW one I could share with whoever.
She's still watching.
The people living here had lots of pictures of churches.
I think I left this sad cat some cat food.
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