Emergency bell.

I've never gone to Baeksa Village at night before.

The light up on the mountain is a temple.

Back inside.

Here's the construction site next to the village. It appears to be energy infrastructure.

This is part of the Dongbuk Line. That excavator was actively working at this time.

Another subway entrance.

I'm trying to decide if this is the state of the project, or if under all that mud there's a nice new subway tunnel.

Reminds me of North American toilet stall doors.

I had a look around this site but there were no ways down I could access.

Just looking in through a window.

I found a view down thijs deep hole. I think it's just this deep here because I'm on top of a ridge. Still don't know why they'd dig something like this at the deepest part though.

Another subway access.

And a look at the mental hospital, with all the bars removed from windows.

This seems like the most viable way in, but not something I'd want to do alone.

At Hair of the Dog.

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Copyright Daehanmindecline 2024