Hannam New Town

I think this is the building where James and Aaron had their studio.

This building across the street from that is where Vegan Vibes was, which I touched on in this article I was curious if this Tiger House could possibly be related to the older one seen here.

I could see the moon ahead.

A decapitated Christmas ornament.

One slipper.

Stairs everywhere.

I got onto a roof on the edge of the ridge looking east.

I did not go down those stairs.

That's teh staircase I used to get up to this roof.

This is the same place where earlier I attended an eviction party.

Heoso Band performed in front of these shelves, which were a little less empty at the time.

Some kind of pulley on the roof.

Another view of the room where we ate food.

This horrifying figure which I'd photographed thoroughly during the eviction party had been left behind.

This is now some other area of the neighbourhood.

And up on the roof.

Inside a daycare I'd seen a short while earlier.

The very distinctive front door.

The larger apartment building in the area has been shut down. I entered and found that the elevators had been deactivated. It would require a 12- or 16-storey hike.

Finally, it appears the damage to this memorial has been covered up. Not sure how long previously to this visit though.


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Copyright Daehanmindecline 2024