Stone Leek Cheonan Show

Cab was still pretty wiped out from jetlag. Right around now I gave him a Vita500, which someone had brought a pack of.

He kept the Vita500 and sipped it over the next while.

Now here's Stone Leek, my second time seeing them in Korea.

Lots of skateboards, and a good number of foreigners who I hadn't met before, or at least hadn't remembered meeting.

A mosh pit broke out.

Yes, lots of skateboards.

It was easy to get behind the drummer.

The drummer was fun to photograph.

Someone else pointed out the rays of sunset.

What kind of nerd reads at a punk show? Oh yeah, one of the greatest skateboarders of history, reading my zine.

Akira's hair is like an extra member of the band.

It turned out I had met one of them before, the woman in the skirt and the Urethane shirt, who I'd interviewed about her app, South of Seoul.

Also, Kevin showed up, bringing his award-winning beer.

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Copyright Daehanmindecline 2024