Accident Site
Here's the view from across the street. The temporary blue fences hide at least some of the sidewalk barrier that the car had taken out. I assume it wasn't the whole length.

A closer look.

Compared to Itaewon, there's a much higher concentration of soju bottles here. Also I see a Namsan beer, which is one of the kinds I prefer.

The car came up this one-way street.

Hotel workers didn't want me hanging around taking pictures of the parking garage where the runaway car came out, but I got this picture from above the exit looking toward the one-way steret where it went down (where the cars are currently coming out of).

The parking garage exit is on the left, where you can see the arrow coming out pointing to the left and right, by that grey box with a red light on top.

Another view of it, when security thought I was no longer a threat.
