Atlantis My Soul

The old corner store that has survived years after its closing.

I'm guessing this is about SMA talks, but that's still a way off.

There was water rushing out of the Bone Tunnel.

The riverside park didn't look that bad.

The elevator was "closed" but still functional.

The bridge in front of the Host Tunnel was gated off.

I got closer anyway.

The tunnel is flooded, though I've seen worse.

Of course that could hypothetically change in a moment, and I was prepared to run.

A ball.

There was a pretty large toad sitting on the concrete having escaped the water.

It was not responsive to me.

Flood control. I'm not sure if this is just a thing on the surface, or if it goes all the way down, but it does seem to prevent at least debris from mixing.

I saw these two cross the bridge. At first I thought from their hats and similar clothes that they were city workers.

They were not, and that's floodwater behind them on the path.

This is over by the Son of the Host Tunnel.

This bridge was not closed.

The greenery in the distance is Bamseom.

Going back up.

Another look at the bridge.

With a jogger.

Son of the Host.

Another closed elevator.

This time I approached a worker, who escorted me all the way down to the water, which wasn't far.

It seeped in up this pedestrian tunnel.

Parts of Jamsu Bridge are flooded.

There were bikes in the water.

Please remember that these photos are all copyrighted to me. If you want to use them in any way, there's a 90 per cent chance I'll give you my permission, and be able to give you a copy with a higher DPI.
Copyright Daehanmindecline 2024