Sewerage Science Museum

That hole was too low down for me, but I was tempted to pose.

That middle vertical road must be Namdaemun-no, rather than Sejong-daero.

This is all I know about the upper part of Manchocheon. I think it disappears around Geumhwa Tunnel.

A nice picture of a manhole keyhole.

This big prominent display was just to get you to look at a small panel on a table.

Here's the display on the small table, showing the course of a tunnel under Seoul Plaza.

And a longer tunnel under Namdaemun-ro.

And under Taepyeongno.

If you click on those, you get a first-person view of a tunnel like this.

Here's another view of the Namdaemun-ro tunnel.

And the pill-shaped Taepyeongno tunnel, which would be especially unpleasant when wet.

For your reading pleasure.

Another one of the tunnels, near Deoksugung.

This one's under Deoksugung.

This scale model showed some streams I was unaware of, such as this one forking off of Anyangcheon at Geumcheon-gu.

In the middle you can see Bride of the Host, with another tributary I hadn't known about.

A closer view.

This stream system seems to be aboveground in most places.

This one travelling through Olympic Park had me more curious.

I pressed a button and it lit up.

This large open space is now covered with a parking lot and named Teen Host.

A small stream in my own neigbourhood.

The sewered population.

Was surprised to see what looks like the use of a TBM in constructing a sewer.

Frog juice.

They did not want people going in the outdoor fountains.

The roof of the museum had a slide and a view of the area.

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Copyright Daehanmindecline 2024