Abandoned Neighbourhood
I took a considerable calculated risk to stop on an overpass to take this picture, and the lighting was subpar.
A closer look.
This place had appeared still inhabited on a recent night visit.
I decided to accept the invitation to walk the trail.
These bars made it really fun.
There was an interesting view on the other side.
I would take various pictures trying to show this view the best I can.
I went as far as I safely could, then turned back and faced this pile of broken glass.
Another building that might be worth exploring but was not easily accessible.
Just a tiny storage room.
Back to this area.
Abandoned shoe.
I retraced my steps out of here, but this time I think this is a phone photo.
Up at the top, I saw this yard, with that orange ball thing, in a location where there was a high likelihood someone nearby would see me.
I went in this far to get a closer look at the orange thing.
nearby, a car parked with the background of the new highrises.
Wandering some of the paths, I enjoyed the various tweaks to the stairs.
There was low-quality graffiti.
The origins of this area can't be in question when you see something like this.
This was a dead millipede, or at least a sleeping one.
I waited to take this picture right when a vehicle was passing by.
Outside the redevelopment zone, I discovered this thing. Might be useful for Kragboks in the future.