The Mall

This is how dirty cars get, something I had not remembered.

The ship.

The wave pool at the waterpark.

A view that I have on good authority inspired Lotte World.

There's the Haneul Boring Machine.

I think this one was taken on my actual camera.

And on the cellphone panorama function.

It didn't look like anyone was around.

Lights were on though.

The stairs were all boarded up.

Yes, Edmonton Paris Baguette had the weird pastries with hot dogs and what looks like ketchup baked in, the exact stuff I always picture when I talk trash about PB.

Also to the right, they had sandwiches that looked like they might actually be good. I guess PB also owns Lina's, which may be the origin of those sandwiches on the right.

An empty area around back for eating.

The statue of the drilling workers.

A dog waits to meet the mall Santa.

This Taco Time is more or less in the exact same location when I went there in grade 1 for a field trip to study Mexican culture.

A walk through whatever they're calling Fantasyland now.

The triple loop roller coaster is removed, and these yellow tracks are for another ride.

A lot of wasted space.


Back to the indoor lake.

A parting look at the LRT bridge under construction.

Please remember that these photos are all copyrighted to me. If you want to use them in any way, there's a 90 per cent chance I'll give you my permission, and be able to give you a copy with a higher DPI.
Copyright Daehanmindecline 2024