
The Hyatt was all lit up.

Oh look, an embassy.

This was if not the same building, then one that is adjacent if not touching.

From here, I could see more buildings that also looked unused.

And on the top floro I found a pretty nice penthouse.

The view out the other side.

I wonder how much this cost. I would have paid more than I currently do for this.

And that's the view out the back.

That kitchen below might be part of the embassy. Also note the blue-backed construction hoarding in the alley below; that's also part of this compound.

Time to go out.

The sunlight was fading.

A look over toward Haebangchon.

A descending lifeline.

Time to hit up this building next. I approached cautiously, not knowing if it was truly empty.

A toilet tipped over.

The kitchen.

Lots of boots.

This room was very very dark other than the light I had.

I ran into her in another building right downhill. By now I had been in three buildings on the property.

I didn't make it in here this time.

An abandoned scooter.

This is where I ran into the woman cutout.

And here's how they look lined up along the road up top.

I got into the ground floor of the housiest one and found what looked like a workers' office/hangout.

Downhill, I found this locked gate. To date, this is the only building I haven't gotten inside yet.

Please remember that these photos are all copyrighted to me. If you want to use them in any way, there's a 90 per cent chance I'll give you my permission, and be able to give you a copy with a higher DPI.
Copyright Daehanmindecline 2025