Itaewon in the Daylight

Here's how the most interesting building looked in the daytime.

This is a lower outdoor area for the basement suite with the furniture and boots.

The state of the door.

Here's how it looks in the daytime.

I found more clothes left behind.

And what seemed to be a kid's homework.

Taekwondo belts.

The way to the kitchen.

I photographed this last night.

This other room had toys.

Bart the Bad Boy of Springfield's catchphrase, "My ball!"

Kids' graffiti on the wall, themed on golf. What kind of kid would go to that?

Another look at the room.

Just the wheels.

And a bus.

Moving on to the three basically identical buildings in the middle of the lot.

"Mr Better."

A keyboard and a poster for apparently a better keyboard.

Some clothes.

One of many kitchens.

This looks kind of officeish.

There's furniture, but it doesn't look lived in. Maybe intended for housing visitors to one of the nearby embassies? Though it doesn't seem to have been embassy property.

In the basement of one of these buildings, I found this weird little space. But I wasn't prepared to go in there on my own.

Back upstairs where it's not dark.

Now this is one of the other buildings.

It's in bad shape and I wish I did better with the vertical lines.

View from the roof.

That ridge in the distance with the especially tightly packed housing is Haebangchon. The tall buildings to the right of the church are next to my home on the other side.

There she is again.

A pretty nice projector.

Out front again.

I heard those women talking about these properties as they passed.

Please remember that these photos are all copyrighted to me. If you want to use them in any way, there's a 90 per cent chance I'll give you my permission, and be able to give you a copy with a higher DPI.
Copyright Daehanmindecline 2025