North Post

I remember "Assignment of Choice" was a common slogan back when I first arrived in Korea, before AFKN disappeared. It is increasingly meaningless now.

And here's Mancho Stream.

Looking through this fence, I could see enough of the stream to tell it is pretty similar to what I've seen up close, further downstream.

It's possible the stream is more ornamental, and there is more water flow under the metal grate I'm on or that weird concrete structure running through the stream, although I didn't hear anything to indicate so.

Look, imperial measurements! Kind of appropriate.

Looking back the way we came.

And the way ahead.

Robert openly defies a no skateboarding sign.

This bridge seems to have a bit more history, possibly being the original entrance to Yongsan.

Seen from the bridge.

The Americans really have a way with words.

This concrete pillar apparently was part of an earlier fence system.

The lamppost is just cool.

Further upstream, we come to the wall around the base, and Mancho Stream ducks into a series of channels hidden behind vinyl curtains.

There are also metal bars over it, and I suspect these could be lifted by someone to go through.

This stream crosses under the main intersection between Gyeongnidan and Haebangchon, then follows under Gyeongnidan-gil up to somewhere high on Namsan.

Millie and Buster were both born in the building on the right, numbered 1, which is right off post.

Mongolian BBQ. We talked to a Korean worker nearby who confirmed this was apparently a US-style "Mongolian" barbecue place, long since closed.

I found a map somewhere indicating a second stream running through here, which this is probably part of.

The way up to the Navy Club.

Would you believe this is the entrance to the Navy Club?

Okay, fine, this is it.

Another stream running under a wall.

I didn't want to approach these quonset huts. On the other side by the Navy Club, there were no trespassing signs. This side was totally unmarked.

Civilian land seen in the distance.

I wonder how those steps became crooked. The base is full of landscapes like these, with grassy slopes leading up to trees and paths taking you up there.

Samgakji area seen in the distance.

This was about a tree planted in 1989.

Next to it was this old relic, which seems to be a Japanese lantern stand.

Some interesting landscaping features.

Giant egg-shaped roadside barrier.

How many cars drove down this embankment by accident?

Army solutions.

Cutting through to the food court.

America in the foreground, Korea in the background.

I got a "Mexican pizza" from Taco Bell. Quite different from Korean Taco Bell, and not all that bad.

The cup, which I assumed to be reusable and something I would take home, turned out to be regular trash, which shocked me. And when Robert threw all our garbage into the same bin, I shouted in surprise. Apparently there's a facility in South Post for separating trash, but do Americans seriously not know how to do basic trash separation, cups, food waste, recyclable waste?

Robert crushes a sub.

The food court isn't looking so full, although it picked up a bit as we left.

At one moment, I sa a very tiny Korean guy enter, and called out "Jackie?" before remembering I'd never actually met him before. Turns out ">one of Korea's first country music stars just hangs out in the food court.

Heading out again.

We reached Camp Coiner, which was in a serious state of abandonment. The highrises in the background are all regular features of my neighbourhood.

These ones, not so much. One friend told me he lived in one of these tents before.

Robert skates by.

This fence seemed to be new, to seal off the parts of the base that are now permanently closed.

Looking through the chain links.

We encountered a taxi driver who was feeding cats here. Only one was brave enough not to run off by the time I came by.

This is behind the fence.

This is not.

This is interesting looking.

Robert told me he was familiar with these from using them in Scouts. Do Scouts in other countries use firearms?

It is very quiet down here.

Robert offers a cookie.

Another look down there.

He wanders off.

The shuttle bus route has changed recently, cutting Camp Coiner and spending more time at Dragon Hill Lodge.

Please remember that these photos are all copyrighted to me. If you want to use them in any way, there's a 90 per cent chance I'll give you my permission, and be able to give you a copy with a higher DPI.
Copyright Daehanmindecline 2018